var util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); var api = require('../../../api/api.js'); var check = require('../../../utils/check.js'); var app = getApp(); Page({ data: { hasLogin:true, workerNo:'', isExist:false,//服务者是否存在 showOcr:false, workerTel:'', certificateFileUrl:[], headPic:'', worker: { healthCertificate:'',//0未上传 1已上传 2健康证即将到期 3健康证到期 // workerTel: '', // workerIdcard: '', // workerName: '', // famousRace: '', // idcardAddr: '', // birthday: '', // workType: '', // contactAddr: "", // validStartDate: "", // validEndDate: "", // healthCert: '', // healthStart: '', // healthEnd: '', // experience: '', // education: '', // emergencyContact: "", // emergencyPhone: '', // city: '' }, applyType: '请选择', showExperience: false, showEducation: false, //显示学历 showServiceItem: false, //显示技能项目 showHealthStart: false, //健康证起始日期 showIssuanceDate:false,//健康证发证日期 showHealthEnd: false, //健康证起始日期 showHukou:false,//户口选择 showShebao:false,//社保 showCity: false, experience: ['无', '1-3年', '3-5年', '5年以上'], education: ['小学', '初中', '高中', '专科', '本科'], serviceItem: ['日常保洁', '做饭家厨', '精细擦窗', '空调除尘', '浴室清洁', '厨房清洁', '除尘除螨', '油烟燃气', '洗衣冰箱', '洗衣空调'], citys: ['上海', '北京', '深圳', '南京', '苏州', '杭州', '武汉'], minDate: new Date().setTime((new Date()).getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 365), residenceTypeList:[{key:'1',value:'农村'},{key:'2',value:'城镇'}], socialSecurityList:[{key:'1',value:'社保'},{key:'2',value:'新农保'},{key:'3',value:'已退休'},{key:'4',value:'无'}], idFront: '', //身份证正反面 idBack: '', showSubmit: true //是否显示提交按钮 }, goValid() { if ( == '' || !check.isValidPhone( { wx.showToast({ title: '请输入个人手机号', icon:none }); return false; } this.getWorkerInfo({ phone: }); }, getWorkerInfo(params){ util.request(api.ServantValid, params, 'GET').then(res=> { wx.hideLoading(); console.log(res); if (res.errno === 0) { // wx.showToast({ // title: '已存在,待完善', // icon: 'success', // duration: 2000 // }); this.setData({ isExist:true,,,//是否需要做ocr,''?[]','),,, }); this.setData({ 'worker.certificateFileUrl'''?[]',') }); this.setData({ }); let hukou='';>{ if(!=''&&{ hukou=e.value; } }) let shebao='';>{ if(!=''&&{ shebao=e.value; } }) this.setData({ 'worker.residenceTypeName': hukou, 'worker.socialSecurityName': shebao }); if({ this.setData({ 'worker.break': '至', }); } if(!{ this.setData({, }); } } else { this.setData({ isExist:false }); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: res.errmsg, showCancel:false, success (res) { if (res.confirm) { } } }); } }); }, submitFeedback: function (e) { let that = this; let worker =; if (worker.workerIdcard == '' || worker.workerIdcard.length != 18) { // util.showErrorToast('请上传身份证并识别'); wx.showToast({ title: '请上传身份证并识别', icon:'none', duration: 3000 }); return false; } // if (worker.workerTel == '' || !check.isValidPhone(worker.workerTel)) { // util.showErrorToast('请输入个人手机号'); // return false; // } // if (worker.workerType == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请选择工作类型'); // return false; // } // if (worker.experience == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请选择工作经验'); // return false; // } // if ( == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请选择工作城市'); // return false; // } // if ( == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请选择学历'); // return false; // } // if (worker.contactAddr == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请输入联系地址'); // return false; // } // if (worker.emergencyContact == '' || worker.emergencyPhone == '' || !check.isValidPhone(worker.emergencyPhone)) { // util.showErrorToast('请填写紧急联系人'); // return false; // } if (worker.certificateFileUrl == [] || worker.certificateNo == '' || worker.issuanceDate == ''||worker.expirationDateStart == ''|| worker.expirationDateEnd == '') { // util.showErrorToast('请填写健康证信息'); wx.showToast({ title: '请填写健康证信息', icon:'none', duration: 3000 }); return false; } if (worker.expirationDateEnd <= worker.expirationDateStart) { // util.showErrorToast('请选择正确健康证有效期'); wx.showToast({ title: '请选择正确健康证有效期', icon:'none', duration: 3000 }); return false; } wx.showModal({ title: '提醒', content: '请核对填写信息,提交后无法更改,确定提交?', success: function (res) { wx.showLoading({ title: '提交中...', mask: true, }); let params=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(worker)); params.certificateFileUrl=params.certificateFileUrl.join(',') util.request(api.ServantPerfect, params, 'POST').then(function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); if (res.errno === 0) { that.setData({ showSubmit: false }) wx.showToast({ title: '信息完善成功', icon: 'success', duration: 2000 }); } else { util.showErrorToast(res.errmsg); } }); } }) }, bindWorkerTel(e) { this.setData({ workerTel: e.detail.value }); }, bindContactAddr(e) { this.setData({ 'worker.contactAddr': e.detail.value }); }, bindEmergencyContact(e) { this.setData({ 'worker.emergencyContact': e.detail.value }); }, bindHeight: function (e) { this.setData({ 'worker.height': e.detail.value }); }, bindWeight: function (e) { this.setData({ 'worker.weight': e.detail.value }); }, bindBankNo:function(e){ this.setData({ 'worker.bankNo': e.detail.value }); }, bindBankOfDeposit:function(e){ this.setData({ 'worker.bankOfDeposit': e.detail.value }); }, bindWorkerTel1: function (e) { this.setData({ 'worker.workerTel1': e.detail.value }); }, bindHealthCert(e) { this.setData({ 'worker.certificateNo': e.detail.value }); }, showHealthStart() { this.setData({ showHealthStart: true }); }, showIssuanceDate() { this.setData({ showIssuanceDate: true }); }, showHealthEnd() { this.setData({ showHealthEnd: true }); }, showEducation() { this.setData({ showEducation: true }); }, showExperience() { this.setData({ showExperience: true }); }, showServiceItem() { this.setData({ showServiceItem: true }); }, showCity() { this.setData({ showCity: true }); }, showShebao:function(){ this.setData({ showShebao: true, }); }, onShebaoCancel:function(){ this.setData({ showShebao: false, }); }, onShebaoConfirm:function(event){ console.log(event); let k=event.detail.value.key; if(||''){ wx.showToast({ title: '请先选择户口,再选社保', icon:'none', duration: 2000 }); return ; } if(||k==3)){ wx.showToast({ title: '农村户口请选:新农保、无', icon:'none', duration: 2000 }); return ; } if({ wx.showToast({ title: '城镇户口不能选新农保', icon:'none', duration: 2000 }); return ; } this.setData({ 'worker.socialSecurity': event.detail.value.key, 'worker.socialSecurityName': event.detail.value.value, showShebao: false, }); }, showHukou:function(){ this.setData({ showHukou: true, }); }, onHukouCancel:function(){ this.setData({ showHukou: false, }); }, onHukouConfirm:function(event){ console.log(event.detail); this.setData({ 'worker.residenceType': event.detail.value.key, 'worker.residenceTypeName': event.detail.value.value, showHukou: false, }); }, onHealthEndCancel: function () { this.setData({ showHealthEnd: false, }); }, onHealthEndConfirm: function (event) { let date = util.toDate(event.detail / 1000, true, ''); this.setData({ 'worker.expirationDateEnd': date, showHealthEnd: false, }); }, onHealthStartCancel: function () { this.setData({ showHealthStart: false, }); }, onHealthStartConfirm: function (event) { let date = util.toDate(event.detail / 1000, true, ''); this.setData({ 'worker.expirationDateStart': date, showHealthStart: false, }); }, onIssuanceDateCancel: function () { this.setData({ showIssuanceDate: false, }); }, onIssuanceDateConfirm: function (event) { let date = util.toDate(event.detail / 1000, true, ''); this.setData({ 'worker.issuanceDate': date, showIssuanceDate: false, }); }, onServiceItemCancel: function () { this.setData({ showServiceItem: false, }); }, onServiceItemConfirm: function (event) { this.setData({ 'worker.workType': event.detail.value, showServiceItem: false, }); }, onExperienceCancel: function () { this.setData({ showExperience: false, }); }, onExperienceConfirm: function (event) { this.setData({ 'worker.experience': event.detail.value, showExperience: false, }); }, onEducationCancel: function () { this.setData({ showEducation: false, }); }, onEducationConfirm: function (event) { this.setData({ '': event.detail.value, showEducation: false, }); }, onCityCancel: function () { this.setData({ showCity: false, }); }, onCityConfirm: function (event) { this.setData({ '': event.detail.value, showCity: false, }); }, uploadHeadPic(){ var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success: function (res) { let file=res.tempFilePaths[0]; that.upload(file,'head'); } }) }, uploadHealth(){ var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success: function (res) { let file=res.tempFilePaths[0]; that.upload(file,'health'); } }) }, upload: function (path,type) { var that = this; const uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({ url: api.StorageUpload(), filePath: path, //res.tempFilePaths[0], name: 'file', success: function (res) { var _res = JSON.parse(; if (_res.errno === 0) { var url = if(type=='head'){ that.setData({ headPic:url, 'worker.headPic':url }); }else{ that.setData({ certificateFileUrl:[url], 'worker.certificateFileUrl':[url] }); } } }, fail: function (e) { wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: '上传失败', showCancel: false }) }, }) }, chooseImage: function (e) { var that = this; let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success: function (res) { if (type == "back") that.setData({ idBack: res.tempFilePaths[0] }); else that.setData({ idFront: res.tempFilePaths[0] }); } }) }, uploadIdFrontImage: function () { if ( == '' || == '') { util.showErrorToast('请选择身份证照片'); return; } wx.showLoading({ title: '识别正面', }) var that = this; wx.uploadFile({ url: api.ServantPerfectOCR(), filePath:, name: 'file', formData: { type: 'front' }, header: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'X-JZ-Token': wx.getStorageSync('token') }, success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); var _res = JSON.parse(; if (_res.errno === 0) { //赋值 var; console.log(data); that.setData({ 'worker.workerIdcard': data.workerIdcard, 'worker.workerName': data.workerName, 'worker.idcardAddress': data.idcardAddress, 'worker.gender': data.gender, 'worker.nation': data.nation, 'worker.nativePlace': data.nativePlace }) that.uploadIdBackImage(); } else { wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: _res.errmsg, showCancel: false }) } }, fail: function (e) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: '请重新选择正反面后上传', showCancel: false }) }, }) }, uploadIdBackImage: function () { wx.showLoading({ title: '识别反面', }) var that = this; const uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({ url: api.ServantPerfectOCR(), filePath:, name: 'file', formData: { type: 'back' }, header: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'X-JZ-Token': wx.getStorageSync('token') }, success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); that.getWorkerInfo({ workerNo: }); var _res = JSON.parse(; console.log(_res); if (_res.errno === 0) { var; console.log(data); that.setData({ 'worker.idcardStartdate':, 'worker.break': '到', 'worker.idcardEnddate':, }) wx.showToast({ title: '识别成功', duration: 2000 }); } else { wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: _res.errmsg, showCancel: false }) } }, fail: function (e) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: '上传失败', showCancel: false }) }, }) }, previewImage: function (e) { wx.previewImage({ current:, // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: [] // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 }) }, onLoad: function (options) { let hasLogin=app.globalData.hasLogin; this.setData({ hasLogin:hasLogin }); if(hasLogin){ // 通过workerno获取信息 let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); if(userInfo && userInfo.workerNo){ let workerNo=userInfo.workerNo; this.setData({ workerNo:workerNo }); this.getWorkerInfo({ workerNo:workerNo }); } }else{ // 通过手机号获取信息 } }, onReady: function () { }, onShow: function () { // wx.hideHomeButton(); }, onHide: function () { // 页面隐藏 }, onUnload: function () { // 页面关闭 } })