123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780 |
- const app = getApp()
- const util = require("../../../utils/util");
- const api = require('../../../api/api.js');
- Page({
- /**
- * 页面的初始数据
- */
- data: {
- isEdit: false,
- editBookNo: '',
- canvasHeight: 0,
- base: {
- category: [],
- device: [],
- position: [],
- problem: []
- }, //基础数据
- selected: {
- device: [],
- position: [],
- problem: [],
- },
- isShow: false,
- pres: [],
- //本次新增 临时选中项
- id: '',
- categoryId: {
- id: 0,
- name: ''
- },
- deviceId: {
- id: 0,
- name: ''
- },
- positionId: {
- id: 0,
- name: ''
- },
- problem: [],
- picUrls: [],
- files: [],
- memo: '',
- bookNo: '',
- mobile: '',
- tempMobile:'',
- captcha: '',
- opeate: 'add',
- isConfirm: false, //是否为用户确认界面
- isAgree: false, //是否同意以上条款
- userInfo: {},
- servantName:''//计师名称
- },
- getCategory() {
- let that = this
- util.request(api.PreCategory, {}, "GET").then(res => {
- that.setData({
- base: res.data
- })
- })
- },
- bindCategory(e) {
- let that = this
- that.setData({
- categoryId: {
- id: e.currentTarget.dataset.id,
- name: e.currentTarget.dataset.name
- }
- })
- //筛选设备
- var device = [];
- that.data.base.device.forEach(item => {
- if (item.categoryId == that.data.categoryId.id)
- device.push(item)
- })
- //位置
- var position = that.data.base.position;
- console.info(position)
- // that.data.base.position.forEach(item => {
- // if (item.categoryId == that.data.categoryId.id)
- // position.push(item)
- // })
- //问题
- var problem = [];
- that.data.base.problem.forEach(item => {
- if (item.categoryId == that.data.categoryId.id) {
- item.checked = false
- problem.push(item)
- }
- })
- that.setData({
- 'selected.device': device,
- 'selected.position': position,
- 'selected.problem': problem,
- deviceId: {},
- positionId: {},
- problem: []
- })
- },
- bindDevice(e) {
- let that = this
- that.setData({
- deviceId: {
- id: e.currentTarget.dataset.id,
- name: e.currentTarget.dataset.name
- }
- })
- },
- bindPosition(e) {
- let that = this
- that.setData({
- positionId: {
- id: e.currentTarget.dataset.id,
- name: e.currentTarget.dataset.name
- }
- })
- },
- bindQuestion(e) { //多选
- var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
- var name = e.currentTarget.dataset.name;
- var problem = [];
- var selectedQuestion = this.data.selected.problem;
- var isContain = false;
- this.data.problem.forEach(item => {
- if (item.id == id) {
- isContain = true;
- }
- })
- if (!isContain) {
- problem = this.data.problem;
- problem.push({
- id: id,
- name: name
- });
- } else { //如果已经选中 从中删除
- this.data.problem.forEach(item => {
- if (item.id != id)
- problem.push(item)
- })
- }
- //实际选中项
- selectedQuestion.forEach(item => {
- if (item.id == id) {
- item.checked = !isContain;
- }
- })
- this.setData({
- problem: problem,
- 'selected.problem': selectedQuestion
- })
- },
- bindAgreeChange(e) {
- this.setData({
- isAgree: e.detail.value
- })
- },
- addPre() {
- this.setData({
- id: Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)),
- isShow: true,
- categoryId: {},
- deviceId: {},
- positionId: {},
- problem: [],
- files: [],
- picUrls: [],
- memo: '',
- opeate: 'add',
- 'selected.device': [],
- 'selected.position': [],
- 'selected.problem': [],
- })
- console.info(this.data.selected.problem)
- },
- confirmAdd() {
- let that = this
- //console.info(that.data.categoryId)
- console.info(that.data.deviceId.id)
- if (that.data.categoryId.id == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请选择服务项',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- if (that.data.selected.device.length > 0 && that.data.deviceId.id == undefined) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请选择设备',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- if (that.data.problem.length == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请选择存在问题',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- // 如果问题为其他,则图片和备注必填
- let isOther = this.data.problem.some(item => {
- return item.name == '其他'
- });
- if (isOther && (this.data.memo == '' || this.data.files.length == 0)) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请上传图片和填写问题',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- var pre = {
- id: that.data.id,
- categoryId: that.data.categoryId,
- deviceId: that.data.deviceId,
- positionId: that.data.positionId,
- problem: that.data.problem,
- files: that.data.files,
- picUrls: that.data.picUrls,
- memo: that.data.memo
- }
- var pres = that.data.pres;
- if (that.data.opeate == 'update') { //修改时 将旧的选项删除
- for (var i = 0; i < pres.length; i++) {
- if (pres[i].id == pre.id) {
- pres.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pres.push(pre);
- that.setData({
- pres: pres,
- isShow: false
- })
- },
- cancelAdd() {
- this.setData({
- isShow: false,
- categoryId: {},
- deviceId: {},
- positionId: {},
- problem: [],
- files: [],
- picUrls: []
- })
- },
- modifyPre(e) {
- let that = this
- var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
- that.data.pres.forEach(item => {
- if (item.id == id) {
- that.setData({
- id: item.id,
- categoryId: item.categoryId,
- deviceId: item.deviceId,
- positionId: item.positionId,
- problem: item.problem,
- files: item.files,
- picUrls: item.picUrls,
- memo: item.memo,
- isShow: true,
- opeate: 'update'
- });
- }
- });
- //筛选设备
- var device = [];
- this.data.base.device.forEach(item => {
- if (item.categoryId == this.data.categoryId.id)
- device.push(item)
- })
- //位置
- var position = this.data.base.position;
- // this.data.base.position.forEach(item => {
- // if (item.categoryId == this.data.categoryId.id)
- // position.push(item)
- // })
- //问题
- var problem = [];
- let checkedProblem = this.data.problem.map(i => {
- return i.id
- });
- //console.log(checkedProblem);
- this.data.base.problem.forEach(item => {
- if (item.categoryId == this.data.categoryId.id) {
- item.checked = false;
- if (checkedProblem.indexOf(item.id) > -1) {
- item.checked = true;
- }
- problem.push(item)
- }
- })
- this.setData({
- 'selected.device': device,
- 'selected.position': position,
- 'selected.problem': problem,
- });
- },
- deletePre(e) {
- let that = this
- var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
- var pres = []
- that.data.pres.forEach(item => {
- if (item.id != id)
- pres.push(item)
- })
- that.setData({
- pres: pres
- })
- },
- confirmPre() { //下一步用户确认
- if (this.data.mobile.length < 11 || this.data.bookNo.length <= 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请填写工单号和手机号',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- if (this.data.categoryId.id == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请选择服务项和内容',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return
- }
- this.setData({
- isConfirm: true
- })
- },
- savePre() { //保存预检单
- let that = this
- // if (that.data.isAgree == false) {
- // wx.showToast({
- // title: '请选择服务条款',
- // icon: 'none',
- // duration: 2000
- // });
- // return
- // }
- if (that.data.captcha.length == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请输入验证码',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- return;
- }
- var items = [];
- that.data.pres.forEach(item => {
- var problem = [];
- if (item.problem.length > 0) {
- item.problem.forEach(element => {
- problem.push(element.id)
- })
- }
- var item = {
- categoryId: item.categoryId.id,
- positionId: item.positionId.id,
- deviceId: item.deviceId.id,
- picUrls: item.picUrls,
- problems: problem,
- memo: item.memo
- }
- items.push(item);
- })
- var pre = {
- mobile: that.data.mobile,
- bookNo: that.data.bookNo,
- captcha: that.data.captcha,
- items: items
- }
- wx.showLoading({
- title: '保存中',
- })
- if (this.data.isEdit) {
- // 编辑
- util.request(api.PreUpdate, pre, "POST").then(res => {
- wx.hideLoading();
- if (res.errno == 0) {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '提醒',
- content: '预检单编辑成功',
- showCancel: false, //是否显示取消按钮
- success: function (res) {
- wx.redirectTo({
- // url: '/pages/pre/list/preList',
- url: '/pages/new/ticketDetail/ticketDetail?bookTradeNo=' + that.data.bookNo,
- })
- }
- })
- } else
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errmsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- }).catch(res => {
- wx.hideLoading();
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errmsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- })
- } else {
- // 保存
- util.request(api.PreSave, pre, "POST").then(res => {
- wx.hideLoading();
- if (res.errno == 0) {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '提醒',
- content: '预检单提交成功',
- showCancel: false, //是否显示取消按钮
- success: function (res) {
- wx.redirectTo({
- // url: '/pages/pre/list/preList',
- url: '/pages/new/ticketDetail/ticketDetail?bookTradeNo=' + that.data.bookNo,
- })
- }
- })
- } else
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errmsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- }).catch(res => {
- wx.hideLoading();
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errmsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000
- });
- })
- }
- },
- bindMemo(e) {
- this.setData({
- memo: e.detail.value
- })
- },
- bindBookNo(e) {
- this.setData({
- bookNo: e.detail.value
- })
- },
- bindMobile(e) {
- this.setData({
- mobile: e.detail.value
- })
- },
- bindcaptchaInput(e) {
- this.setData({
- captcha: e.detail.value
- })
- },
- getCaptcha() {
- console.info(this.data.mobile)
- if (this.data.mobile.length != 11 || this.data.mobile.startsWith("1") == false) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请输入正确手机号',
- duration: 3000
- });
- return;
- }
- if (this.data.mobile.indexOf("*")!=-1) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请输入正确手机号',
- duration: 3000
- });
- return;
- }
- let that=this;
- var items = [];
- that.data.pres.forEach(item => {
- var problem = [];
- if (item.problem.length > 0) {
- item.problem.forEach(element => {
- problem.push(element.id)
- })
- }
- var item = {
- categoryId: item.categoryId.id,
- categoryName:item.categoryId.name,
- positionId: item.positionId.id,
- positionName:item.positionId.name,
- deviceId: item.deviceId.id,
- deviceName:item.deviceId.name,
- picUrls: item.picUrls,
- problems: problem,
- memo: item.memo
- }
- items.push(item);
- })
- var pre = {
- mobile: that.data.mobile,//
- bookNo: that.data.bookNo,
- captcha: that.data.captcha,
- items: items,
- userName:that.data.userName,
- address:that.data.address
- }
- util.request(api.AuthCaptchaPre, pre, "POST").then(res => {
- if (res.errno == 0)
- wx.showToast({
- title: '验证码发送成功',
- duration: 3000
- });
- else
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errmsg,
- duration: 3000
- });
- }).catch(res => {
- wx.showToast({
- title: res.errMsg,
- icon: 'error',
- duration: 3000
- });
- })
- },
- chooseImage: function (e) {
- if (this.data.files.length >= 5) {
- util.showErrorToast('只能上传五张图片')
- return false;
- }
- var that = this;
- wx.chooseImage({
- count: 1,
- sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'],
- sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
- success: function (res) {
- that.setData({
- files: that.data.files.concat(res.tempFilePaths)
- });
- that.compressImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], (res1) => {
- that.upload(res1)
- })
- }
- })
- },
- upload: function (path) {
- var that = this;
- const uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({
- url: api.StorageUpload(),
- filePath: path, //res.tempFilePaths[0],
- name: 'file',
- success: function (res) {
- var _res = JSON.parse(res.data);
- if (_res.errno === 0) {
- var url = _res.data.fileUrl
- that.data.picUrls.push(url)
- that.setData({
- hasPicture: true,
- picUrls: that.data.picUrls
- })
- }
- },
- fail: function (e) {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '错误',
- content: '上传失败',
- showCancel: false
- })
- },
- })
- uploadTask.onProgressUpdate((res) => {
- console.log('上传进度', res.progress)
- console.log('已经上传的数据长度', res.totalBytesSent)
- console.log('预期需要上传的数据总长度', res.totalBytesExpectedToSend)
- })
- },
- previewImage: function (e) {
- wx.previewImage({
- current: e.currentTarget.id, // 当前显示图片的http链接
- urls: this.data.files // 需要预览的图片http链接列表
- })
- },
- compressImage(path, callback) {
- var that = this;
- //获取图片信息
- wx.getImageInfo({
- src: path,
- success: function (res) {
- //如果图片小于800宽度 不压缩
- if (res.width < 1200) {
- callback(res.path);
- return
- }
- var ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('photo_canvas'); // 创建画布
- var towidth = 1200; //设置canvas尺寸,按宽度500px的比例压缩
- var toheight = Math.trunc(1200 * res.height / res.width); //根据图片比例换算出图片高度
- that.setData({
- canvasHeight: toheight
- });
- ctx.drawImage(path, 0, 0, res.width, res.height, 0, 0, towidth, toheight);
- ctx.draw(false, function () {
- wx.canvasToTempFilePath({
- canvasId: 'photo_canvas',
- fileType: "jpg",
- quality: 0.8,
- success: function (res) {
- console.log(res.tempFilePath);
- callback(res.tempFilePath);
- }
- }, this)
- })
- }
- });
- },
- getPreDetail() {
- util.request(api.PreDetail, {
- bookNo: this.data.editBookNo
- }, "GET").then(res => {
- let list = res.data.items;
- let pres = [];
- list.forEach(item => {
- let obj = {
- deviceId: {
- id: item.deviceId,
- name: item.deviceName
- },
- categoryId: {
- id: item.categoryId,
- name: item.categoryName
- },
- positionId: {
- id: item.positionId ? item.positionId : 0,
- name: item.positionName ? item.positionName : ''
- },
- problem: item.problemsNamelist,
- memo: item.memo,
- files: item.picUrls,
- picUrls: item.picUrls
- }
- pres.push(obj);
- });
- this.setData({
- bookNo: res.data.bookNo,
- mobile: res.data.mobile,
- pres: pres,
- })
- })
- },
- /**
- * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
- */
- maskPhone(phone) {
- if (!phone || phone.length !== 11) return phone; // 确保电话号码有效且长度为11位
- return phone.replace(/(\d{3})\d{4}(\d{4})/, '$1****$2');
- },
- onLoad: function (options) {
- var userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
- if (userInfo)
- this.setData({
- userInfo: userInfo
- });
- let phone = options.phone;
- if (options.bookNo) {
- if (phone) {
- if(options.bookNo.indexOf("JZ")==-1){
- this.setData({
- tempMobile: this.maskPhone(phone),
- });
- }
- this.setData({
- bookNo: options.bookNo,
- mobile: phone
- });
- } else {
- this.setData({
- isEdit: true,
- editBookNo: options.bookNo
- });
- }
- }
- if (this.data.isEdit) {
- // 加载编辑预检单信息
- this.getPreDetail();
- }
- },
- /**
- * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
- */
- onReady: function () {
- },
- /**
- * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
- */
- onShow: function () {
- this.getCategory();
- },
- /**
- * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
- */
- onHide: function () {
- },
- /**
- * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
- */
- onUnload: function () {
- },
- /**
- * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
- */
- onPullDownRefresh: function () {
- },
- /**
- * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
- */
- onReachBottom: function () {
- },
- /**
- * 用户点击右上角分享
- */
- onShareAppMessage: function () {
- }
- })