checkout.vue 76 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view class="container">
  3. <view class="address-box" v-if=" > 0 || isNeedAppoint">
  4. <view class="address-item" @tap="selectAddress" v-if=" > 0">
  5. <image class="map-icon" mode="aspectFit" src="">
  6. </image>
  7. <view class="m">
  8. <text class="address">{{ checkedAddress.addressDetail }}</text>
  9. <view class="address-bottom">
  10. <text class="user-name">{{ }}
  11. {{ formatGender(checkedAddress.gender) }}</text>
  12. <text>{{ }}</text>
  13. </view>
  14. </view>
  15. <view class="r">
  16. <image mode="aspectFit" src=""></image>
  17. </view>
  18. </view>
  19. <view class="address-item address-empty" v-else @tap="selectAddress">
  20. <view class="m">还没有服务地址,去添加</view>
  21. <view class="r">
  22. </view>
  23. </view>
  24. </view>
  25. <view class="order-box" v-if="couponId == 24">
  26. <view class="order-item no-border">
  27. <view class="l">
  28. <text class="name">预约时间</text>
  29. </view>
  30. <view class="r">
  31. <picker mode="multiSelector" @change="bindMultiPickerChange"
  32. @columnchange="bindMultiPickerColumnChange" :value="multiIndex" :range="multiArray">
  33. <text class="message-app txt">{{ orderData }}</text>
  34. </picker>
  35. </view>
  36. </view>
  37. </view>
  38. <view class="appoint-time-block appoint-block" @tap="showAppoint">
  39. <view class="title"><text>*</text>上门时段</view>
  40. <view class="appoint-time" v-if="appointDate==''">服务者将在此时段内上门</view>
  41. <view class="appoint-timed" v-else>{{appointDate}}</view>
  42. <image src="" mode="aspectFit" class="arrow-img">
  43. </image>
  44. </view>
  45. <view class="goods-items">
  46. <view class="item">
  47. <view style="display: flex; align-items: center; padding-bottom: 10rpx; border-bottom: 1px solid #efefef;">
  48. <view style="margin-right: 10rpx">鲸致生活</view>
  49. <view style="font-size: 11px">家政·保洁·家电蒸洗·擦窗·开荒·保姆·收纳·搬家·月嫂</view>
  50. </view>
  51. <view style="display: flex; padding-top: 10rpx">
  52. <view class="img">
  53. <image :src="checkedGoods.picUrl" mode="aspectFill"></image>
  54. </view>
  55. <view class="info">
  56. <view class="name">{{ }}</view>
  57. <view class="m" style="margin-bottom: 20rpx">为更好的服务体验,建议提前1天预约!</view>
  58. <view class="m">服务次数:{{ checkedGoods.serviceTimes }}</view>
  59. </view>
  60. </view>
  61. </view>
  62. <view style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; margin-bottom: 10px">
  63. <text
  64. style="text-decoration-line: line-through; font-size: 13px; color: #666666">¥{{ checkedGoods.counterPrice }}</text>
  65. </view>
  66. <view class="goods-total">
  67. <view>小计:</view>
  68. <view class="amount">¥{{ goodsTotalPrice }}</view>
  69. </view>
  70. </view>
  71. <view class="order-box">
  72. <view class="order-item no-border">
  73. <view class="l">
  74. <text class="name">购买份数</text>
  75. </view>
  76. <view class="r">
  77. <text class="txt">共1件</text>
  78. </view>
  79. </view>
  80. <view class="order-item no-border">
  81. <view class="l" style="align-items: center">
  82. <image src=""
  83. style="height: 25rpx; width: 25rpx" mode="aspectFill"></image>
  84. <text class="name" style="margin-left: 10rpx">优惠</text>
  85. </view>
  86. </view>
  87. <view class="order-item no-border">
  88. <view class="l">
  89. <text class="name" style="color: #999" v-if="availableCouponLength == 0">暂无可用优惠</text>
  90. <text class="name" style="color: rgb(130 28 28)" v-else>有可用优惠</text>
  91. </view>
  92. <view class="r" @tap="selectCoupon">
  93. <text class="txt" style="color: #999" v-if="availableCouponLength == 0">0张</text>
  94. <text class="txt" style="color: rgb(130 28 28)" v-else>{{ availableCouponLength }}张</text>
  95. <image mode="aspectFit" src=""
  96. style="width: 7px; height: 12px; margin-left: 3px"></image>
  97. </view>
  98. </view>
  99. <view class="discount-line">
  100. <view class="l">
  101. <text class="name">已选择</text>
  102. <text class="txt">-¥{{ couponPrice }}</text>
  103. </view>
  104. </view>
  105. </view>
  106. <view class="go-pay-wrapper" @tap="submitOrder">
  107. <view class="btn-left">
  108. <text class="num">共1件</text>
  109. <text class="total">合计:</text>
  110. <text class="rmb">¥</text>
  111. <text class="price">{{ actualPrice }}</text>
  112. </view>
  113. <view class="btn-right">提交订单</view>
  114. </view>
  115. <view class="appoint-overlay-wrapper" v-if="choosePopup" @tap="onClose"></view>
  116. <view class="popup-wrapper popup-wrapper-special" v-if="choosePopup">
  117. <view class="popup-title popup-title-special popup-title-new">
  118. <view>选择服务开始时间</view>
  119. <view v-if="selectTimeValue>=17" class="fee-tips">您选的时间段可能会加收夜间服务费,具体以与商家的沟通为准</view>
  120. </view>
  121. <block>
  122. <view class="popup-content popup-content-special">
  123. <view class="time-select-left">
  124. <view v-for="(item,index) in dateList" :key="index" class="time-select-left-item"
  125. @tap="dateCheck" :data-index="index" :data-week="item.week" :data-date=""
  126. :data-isbook="item.isBook">
  127. <view class="date-line-wrapper">
  128. <view :class="dateIndex==index?'current-date':''">
  129. {{item.bookdate+' '+item.weekOfDay}}
  130. </view>
  131. <view>
  132. <text v-if="index<=1" class="date-tag">{{index==0?'今天':'明天'}}</text>
  133. </view>
  134. </view>
  135. <view :class="'date-msg '+(item.dateMsg=='可约'?'avail-date':'')">{{item.dateMsg}}</view>
  136. </view>
  137. </view>
  138. <view class="time-select-right">
  139. <view class="noon-select">
  140. <view :class="'noon-item '+(noonType=='1'?'active-noon':'')" data-noon="1" @tap="noonTab">上午
  141. </view>
  142. <view :class="'noon-item '+(noonType=='2'?'active-noon':'')" data-noon="2" @tap="noonTab">下午
  143. </view>
  144. </view>
  145. <view class="time-item-wrapper">
  146. <view v-for="(item,index) in timeList" :key=""
  147. :class="'time-select-right-item '+(item.timeMsg?'invalid-time':'')" @tap="timeCheck"
  148. :data-stock="item.stock" :data-index="index" :data-msg="item.timeMsg">
  149. <view class="time-line">
  150. <text :class="timeIndex===index?'current-date':''">{{item.begin}} </text>
  151. <text v-if="selectTimeValue>=17&&timeIndex==index&&(!item.timeMsg)"
  152. class="extra-tips">收夜间服务费</text>
  153. <text v-if="timeIndex===index" class="date-tag">已选</text>
  154. <view v-if="item.timeMsg&&item.timeMsg!=null" class="time-msg">
  155. {{item.timeMsg}}
  156. </view>
  157. </view>
  158. </view>
  159. </view>
  160. </view>
  161. </view>
  162. </block>
  163. <view class="popup-btn-wrapper">
  164. <view @tap="confirmTime" class="confirm-btn">确定</view>
  165. </view>
  166. </view>
  167. <view class="appoint-overlay-wrapper" v-if="payFailShow"></view>
  168. <view class="overlay-wrapper" v-if="payFailShow">
  169. <view class="fail-wrapper">
  170. <view class="fail-top">
  171. <image src="/static/images/new/icon-fail.png"></image>
  172. <view class="fail-text">支付失败</view>
  173. <view class="sub-color">支付遇到问题,请尝试重新支付</view>
  174. </view>
  175. <view class="fail-bottom">
  176. <view class="cancel-btn" @tap="cancelPay">取消</view>
  177. <view class="btn-devide"></view>
  178. <view class="repay-btn" @tap="rePay">重新支付</view>
  179. </view>
  180. </view>
  181. </view>
  182. <view class="appoint-overlay-wrapper" v-if="remarkShow" @tap="onRemarkClose"></view>
  183. <view class="remark-popup" v-if="remarkShow">
  184. <view class="title">订单备注</view>
  185. <textarea @input="bindMessageInput" placeholder="请输入订单备注信息" :value="message"
  186. placeholder-style="font-size:26rpx;color:#666;" maxlength="200" class="remark-textarea"></textarea>
  187. <view class="btn" @tap="confirmRemark">确定</view>
  188. </view>
  189. <view class="login-out-wrapper" v-if="tipShow">
  190. <view class="login-out-tip">
  191. <image class="tip-img" mode="aspectFit" src="/static/images/tipsFail.png"></image>
  192. <view class="tips">{{ tips }}</view>
  193. <view class="select-wrapper">
  194. <view class="cancel" @tap="cancelTipShow">确定</view>
  195. </view>
  196. </view>
  197. </view>
  198. </view>
  199. </template>
  200. <script>
  201. var util = require('../../utils/util.js');
  202. var user = require('../../utils/user.js');
  203. var api = require('../../config/api.js');
  204. var check = require('../../utils/check.js');
  205. var app = getApp();
  206. export default {
  207. data() {
  208. return {
  209. productId: '',
  210. unitIncreaseNumber: '',
  211. callbackUrl: '',
  212. remarkShow: false,
  213. isRecommend: false,
  214. isNoMatch: true,
  215. codeShow: false,
  216. recCode: '',
  217. recommendTips: '',
  218. goodsList: [],
  219. tradeOption: {},
  220. bookInfo: {},
  221. //支付使用参数
  222. skuList: [],
  223. payment: '',
  224. orderId: '',
  225. outOrderNo: '',
  226. memberDiscount: '',
  227. isMember: false,
  228. payFailShow: false,
  229. choosePopup: false,
  230. noSerTimes: '',
  231. popupType: 1,
  232. //1单次预约 2 选择服务频次 3选择首次预约时间
  233. // timeList: check.getTimeList(1),
  234. // timeList: [],
  235. // dateList: util.getDateList(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * 0), 1, 30),
  236. // firstAppointList:util.getDateList(new Date(new Date().getTime()+60*60*1000*24),7),
  237. firstAppointList: [],
  238. //单次预约选中的日期
  239. firstDateIndex: 0,
  240. //首次预约时间
  241. activeTab: 1,
  242. //频次
  243. weekIndex: 0,
  244. //选中的周几
  245. weekArrList: [{
  246. id: 1,
  247. week: '周一',
  248. num: 0
  249. },
  250. {
  251. id: 2,
  252. week: '周二',
  253. num: 0
  254. },
  255. {
  256. id: 3,
  257. week: '周三',
  258. num: 0
  259. },
  260. {
  261. id: 4,
  262. week: '周四',
  263. num: 0
  264. },
  265. {
  266. id: 5,
  267. week: '周五',
  268. num: 0
  269. },
  270. {
  271. id: 6,
  272. week: '周六',
  273. num: 0
  274. },
  275. {
  276. id: 0,
  277. week: '周日',
  278. num: 0
  279. }
  280. ],
  281. selectedWeekList: [],
  282. selectedDateList: [],
  283. selectTimeIndex: 'null',
  284. //选中的时间段
  285. oneTimeAppoint: '2021-04-22 周一 13:00-14:00',
  286. isNeedAppoint: false,
  287. //是否需要预约
  288. isFinishAppoint: false,
  289. //已选择预约
  290. isOneAppoint: true,
  291. //单次卡
  292. appointFailTip: false,
  293. //预约失败提示
  294. bookStartDate: '',
  295. //可预约时间段
  296. bookEndDate: '',
  297. multiIndex: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  298. multiArray: [],
  299. array: [],
  300. year: '',
  301. month: '',
  302. day: '',
  303. startHour: '',
  304. endHour: '',
  305. orderData: '',
  306. //此时间为预计上门时间
  307. checkedGoodsList: [],
  308. checkedGoods: {
  309. picUrl: '',
  310. name: '',
  311. serviceTimes: '',
  312. counterPrice: ''
  313. },
  314. checkedAddress: {
  315. id: 0,
  316. addressDetail: '',
  317. name: '',
  318. tel: ''
  319. },
  320. goodsId: '',
  321. availableCouponLength: 0,
  322. // 可用的优惠券数量
  323. goodsTotalPrice: 0,
  324. //商品总价
  325. freightPrice: 0,
  326. //快递费
  327. couponPrice: 0,
  328. //优惠券的价格
  329. grouponPrice: 0,
  330. //团购优惠价格
  331. orderTotalPrice: 0,
  332. //订单总价
  333. actualPrice: 0,
  334. //实际需要支付的总价
  335. cartId: 0,
  336. addressId: 0,
  337. couponId: 0,
  338. userCouponId: 0,
  339. message: '',
  340. grouponLinkId: 0,
  341. //参与的团购
  342. grouponRulesId: 0,
  343. mobile: '',
  344. //预约手机号
  345. shareId: 0,
  346. userInfo: {},
  347. remarkDisable: false,
  348. code: '',
  349. city: '',
  350. //所在位置 根据ip获得
  351. isCity: true,
  352. //是否业务城市
  353. openId: '',
  354. tipShow: false,
  355. tips: '',
  356. timeList: [],
  357. dateList: [],
  358. timeIndex: '',
  359. //选中的时间段
  360. dateIndex: 0, //选中的日期
  361. appointDate: '', //显示信息
  362. noonType: 1,
  363. selectTimeValue: '',
  364. };
  365. },
  366. onReady: function() {
  367. // 页面渲染完成
  368. },
  369. onShow: function() {
  370. //console.log(;
  371. let that = this;
  372. // 页面显示
  373. user.checkLogin()
  374. .then((res) => {
  375. app.globalData.hasLogin = true;
  376.'session 未过期');
  377. })
  378. .catch(() => {
  379.'session 过期');
  380. app.globalData.hasLogin = false;
  381. // wx.navigateTo({
  382. // url: '/pages/auth/login/login'
  383. // });
  384. user.login().then((res) => {
  385. that.setData({
  386. code: res.code
  387. });
  388. });
  389. });
  390. uni.showLoading({
  391. title: '加载中...'
  392. });
  393. try {
  394. var cartId = uni.getStorageSync('cartId');
  395. if (cartId === '') {
  396. cartId = 0;
  397. }
  398. var addressId = uni.getStorageSync('addressId');
  399. if (addressId === '') {
  400. addressId = 0;
  401. }
  402. var couponId = uni.getStorageSync('couponId');
  403. if (couponId === '') {
  404. couponId = 0;
  405. }
  406. var userCouponId = uni.getStorageSync('userCouponId');
  407. if (userCouponId === '') {
  408. userCouponId = 0;
  409. }
  410. var grouponRulesId = uni.getStorageSync('grouponRulesId');
  411. if (grouponRulesId === '') {
  412. grouponRulesId = 0;
  413. }
  414. var grouponLinkId = uni.getStorageSync('grouponLinkId');
  415. if (grouponLinkId === '') {
  416. grouponLinkId = 0;
  417. }
  418. var goodsId = uni.getStorageSync('goodsId');
  419. if (goodsId === '') {
  420. goodsId = 0;
  421. }
  422. var openId = uni.getStorageSync('openId');
  423. if (openId === '') {
  424. openId = '';
  425. }
  427. this.setData({
  428. cartId: cartId,
  429. addressId: addressId,
  430. couponId: couponId,
  431. userCouponId: userCouponId,
  432. grouponRulesId: grouponRulesId,
  433. grouponLinkId: grouponLinkId,
  434. goodsId: goodsId,
  435. openId: openId
  436. });
  437. this.getCheckoutInfo();
  438. } catch (e) {
  439. console.log('CatchClause', e);
  440. console.log('CatchClause', e);
  441. // Do something when catch error
  442. console.log(e);
  443. }
  444. },
  445. onHide: function() {
  446. // 页面隐藏
  447. },
  448. onUnload: function() {
  449. // 页面关闭
  450. //清空宠物保险的缓存数据
  451.'checkout onload');
  452. //wx.setStorageSync('petinfo', null);
  453. },
  454. /**
  455. * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  456. */
  457. onLoad: function(options) {
  458. console.log(options);
  459. if (options.productId) {
  460. this.setData({
  461. productId: options.productId,
  462. unitIncreaseNumber: options.unitIncreaseNumber
  463. });
  464. }
  465. let userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo');
  466. if (userInfo) {
  467. this.setData({
  468. userInfo: userInfo
  469. });
  470. }
  471. let that = this;
  472. if (options.nurseId) {
  473. this.setData({
  474. nurseId: options.nurseId
  475. });
  476. }
  477. if (typeof options.shareId != 'undefined' && options.shareId > 0) {
  478. that.setData({
  479. shareId: options.shareId
  480. });
  481. }
  482. var date = new Date();
  483. var year = date.getFullYear();
  484. var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
  485. var day = date.getDate();
  486. var hour = date.getHours();
  487. var surplusMonth = that.surplusMonth(year);
  488. //console.log(surplusMonth);
  489. var surplusDay = this.surplusDay(year, month, day);
  490. //console.log(surplusDay);
  491. var surplusHour = this.surplusHour(year, month, day, hour);
  492. //console.log(surplusHour);
  493. //初始化picker
  494. that.setData({
  495. multiArray: [
  496. [year + '年', year + 1 + '年', year + 2 + '年'], surplusMonth, surplusDay, surplusHour[0],
  497. ['~'], surplusHour[1]
  498. ],
  499. year: year,
  500. month: month,
  501. day: day,
  502. startHour: surplusHour[0][0],
  503. endHour: surplusHour[1][0]
  504. });
  505. },
  506. methods: {
  507. //获取checkou信息(买约一体)
  508. getCheckoutInfo: function() {
  509. let that = this;
  510. util.request(api.CartCheckout, {
  511. cartId: that.cartId,
  512. addressId: that.addressId,
  513. couponId: that.couponId,
  514. userCouponId: that.userCouponId,
  515. grouponRulesId: that.grouponRulesId,
  516. shareId: that.shareId,
  517. goodsId: that.goodsId,
  518. openId: that.openId,
  519. productId: that.productId,
  520. unitIncreaseNumber: that.unitIncreaseNumber,
  521. }).then(function(res) {
  522. uni.hideLoading();
  523. if (res.errno === 0) {
  524. that.setData({
  525. isRecommend: != 1,
  526. isMember:,
  527. memberDiscount:,
  528. checkedGoods:,
  529. checkedAddress:,
  530. availableCouponLength:,
  531. actualPrice:,
  532. couponPrice:,
  533. grouponPrice:,
  534. freightPrice:,
  535. goodsTotalPrice:,
  536. orderTotalPrice:,
  537. addressId:,
  538. couponId:,
  539. userCouponId:,
  540. grouponRulesId:,
  541. isNeedAppoint: === 0 ? true : false,
  542. //0需要预约 服务类商品,1保险 2中介 3买约分离次卡
  543. isOneAppoint: == 1 ? true : false,
  544. //1为单次,其余为多次
  545. popupType: == 1 ? 1 : 2,
  546. bookStartDate:,
  547. bookEndDate:,
  548. city:,
  549. isCity:,
  550. mobile:
  551. });
  552. let serviceDuration =;
  553. if (that.popupType == 2) {
  554. let timeList = [];
  555. if ( != null && > 0) {
  556., index) => {
  557. timeList.push({
  558. id: index + 1,
  559. time: time
  560. });
  561. });
  562. } else {
  563. timeList = check.getTimeList(serviceDuration);
  564. }
  565. that.setData({
  566. timeList: timeList
  567. });
  568. }
  569. that.LimitCanAppointmentDate();
  570. setTimeout(() => {
  571. if ( == false) {
  572. that.setData({
  573. tipShow: true,
  574. tips: '抱歉,您选择的城市暂无法提供服务'
  575. });
  576. }
  577. }, 1000);
  578. }else{
  579. uni.showToast({
  580. title: res.errmsg,
  581. icon: 'none',
  582. duration: 2000
  583. });
  584. }
  585. });
  586. },
  587. showRemark() {
  588. this.setData({
  589. remarkShow: true
  590. });
  591. },
  592. onRemarkClose() {
  593. this.setData({
  594. remarkShow: false
  595. });
  596. },
  597. formatGender(value) {
  598. var result = '';
  599. if (value == 1) {
  600. result = "先生";
  601. } else if (value == 2) {
  602. result = "女士";
  603. }
  604. return result;
  605. },
  606. confirmRemark() {
  607. this.setData({
  608. remarkShow: false
  609. });
  610. },
  611. LimitCanAppointmentDate() {
  612. //特殊商品 如果需要限制可预约的时间范围 在次方法中实现
  613. if ( == 1190332) {
  614. let dates = [];
  615. this.dateList.forEach((item) => {
  616. if ( < '2022-04-01') {
  617. dates.push(item);
  618. }
  619. });
  620. this.setData({
  621. dateList: dates
  622. });
  623. }
  624. //控制可预约时间范围
  625. let that = this;
  626. if (that.bookStartDate) {
  627. let dates = [];
  628. let dateIndex = -1;
  629. that.dateList.forEach((item, index) => {
  630. if ( < that.bookStartDate || > that.bookEndDate) {
  631. item.isBook = false;
  632. item.mark = '不可约';
  633. } else {
  634. //设置第一个可预约的时间index
  635. if (dateIndex < 0) {
  636. dateIndex = index;
  637. }
  638. }
  639. dates.push(item);
  640. });
  641. that.setData({
  642. dateList: dates,
  643. dateIndex: dateIndex
  644. });
  645. }
  646. //;
  647. //;
  648. //设置默认起始可预约 index:dateIndex 近7天如果有周六 周日 不允许预约
  649. //存在一种情况 如果今天是周四,如果起始index=2 则周日允许预约 虽然页面显示为”约满"
  650. // if([3].id==0) {
  651. //" dateIndex:4")
  652. // this.setData({
  653. // dateIndex:4
  654. // })
  655. // }else{
  656. // if([2].id==0) {
  657. //" dateIndex:3")
  658. // this.setData({
  659. // dateIndex:3
  660. // })
  661. // }
  662. // }
  663. },
  664. selectAddress() {
  665. uni.navigateTo({
  666. url: '/pages/ucenter/address/address'
  667. });
  668. },
  669. selectCoupon() {
  670. uni.navigateTo({
  671. url: '/pages/ucenter/couponSelect/couponSelect'
  672. });
  673. },
  674. bindMessageInput: function(e) {
  675. this.setData({
  676. message: e.detail.value
  677. });
  678. },
  679. bindPhone(e) {
  680. this.setData({
  681. mobile: e.detail.value
  682. });
  683. },
  684. cancelTipShow() {
  685. this.setData({
  686. tipShow: false
  687. });
  688. },
  689. submitOrder: function() {
  690. let that = this;
  691. // if (that.isNeedAppoint && that.addressId <= 0) {
  692. // that.setData({
  693. // tipShow: true,
  694. // tips: '请选择服务地址'
  695. // });
  696. // return;
  697. // }
  698. if (!that.isCity) {
  699. that.setData({
  700. tipShow: true,
  701. tips: '抱歉,您选择的城市暂无法提供服务'
  702. });
  703. return;
  704. }
  705. if (that.addressId <= 0) {
  706. util.showErrorToast("请选择服务地址");
  707. return false;
  708. }
  709. if (this.timeIndex === '' || this.timeIndex < 0) {
  710. util.showErrorToast("请选择服务时间");
  711. return false;
  712. }
  713. // 检查是否已经预约
  714. // if (that.isNeedAppoint && !that.isFinishAppoint) {
  715. // that.setData({
  716. // tipShow: true,
  717. // tips: '请先预约服务时间'
  718. // });
  719. // return;
  720. // }
  721. // if (!that.isNeedAppoint && ( == null || != 11)) {
  722. // that.setData({
  723. // tipShow: true,
  724. // tips: '为了更好地为您服务请填写正确的手机号码'
  725. // });
  726. // return;
  727. // }
  728. // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
  729. this.orderPrepay();
  730. // #endif
  731. // #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
  732. this.aliSubmit();
  733. // #endif
  734. },
  735. orderPrepay(){
  736. let that = this;
  737. uni.showLoading({
  738. title: '检测中'
  739. });
  740. // 2024-08-15 周四 08:30-11:30
  741. let orderDate =this.appointDate;
  742. const cleaned = orderDate.replace(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5\s]/g, '');
  743. console.log("cleaned",cleaned);
  744. const [date, timeRange] = cleaned.split(/\s*(?=\d{2}:\d{2}-\d{2}:\d{2})/);
  745. const [startTime, endTime] = timeRange.split('-');
  746. const startDateStr = `${date} ${startTime}:00`;
  747. const endDateStr = `${date} ${endTime}:00`;
  748. let orderDateMs = new Date(startDateStr).getTime();
  749. let orderDateEndMs = new Date(endDateStr).getTime();
  750. util.request(api.OrderPrepay, {
  751. addressId: that.addressId,
  752. shopId: that.checkedAddress.shopId,
  753. cart: that.cartId,
  754. goodsId: that.goodsId,
  755. couponId: that.couponId,
  756. userCouponId: that.userCouponId,
  757. productId: that.productId,
  758. unitIncreaseNumber: that.unitIncreaseNumber,
  759. openId:that.openId,
  760. bookStartTime: orderDateMs,
  761. bookEndTime: orderDateEndMs,
  762. })
  763. .then(function(res) {
  764. uni.hideLoading();
  765. if (res.errno === 0) {
  766. console.log(res);
  767. that.setData({
  768. skuList:,
  769. // goodsList:,
  770. payment:,
  771. callbackUrl:,
  772. tradeOption:,
  773. bookInfo:,
  774. buyAndBook:
  775. });
  776. that.submitInfo(res);
  777. util.addLog(1,2,13);
  778. } else {
  779. uni.showModal({
  780. title: '提醒',
  781. showCancel: false,
  782. content: res.err_tips
  783. });
  784. }
  785. })
  786. .catch((res) => {
  787. uni.hideLoading();
  788. util.showErrorToast(res.err_tips);
  789. });
  790. },
  791. aliSubmit(){
  792. let that = this;
  793. uni.showLoading({
  794. title: '加载中'
  795. });
  796. let date = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].bookdate;
  797. let week = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].weekOfDay;
  798. let time = this.timeList[this.timeIndex].begin + '-' + this.timeList[this.timeIndex].end;
  799. util.request(api.OrderSubmit, {
  800. addressId: that.addressId,
  801. shopId: that.checkedAddress.shopId,
  802. cart: that.cartId,
  803. goodsId: that.goodsId,
  804. couponId: that.couponId,
  805. userCouponId: that.userCouponId,
  806. productId: that.productId,
  807. unitIncreaseNumber: that.unitIncreaseNumber,
  808. openId:that.openId,
  809. orderDate: {
  810. type:0,
  811. weeks:[
  812. {
  813. dayOfWeek: (new Date(this.dateList[this.dateIndex].bookdate)).getDay(),
  814. startTime: time.split('-')[0],
  815. endTime: time.split('-')[1],
  816. }
  817. ],
  818. startDate: date,
  819. lng: this.checkedAddress.lng,
  820. lat:,
  821. shopId: this.checkedAddress.shopId,
  822. goodId: this.goodsId,
  823. productId: this.productId,
  824. unitIncreaseNumber: this.unitIncreaseNumber,
  825. },
  826. }, 'POST')
  827. .then(res=> {
  828. if (res.errno === 0) {
  829. util.addLog(1,2,13);
  830. this.aliPrepay(;
  831. } else {
  832. uni.showModal({
  833. title: '提醒',
  834. showCancel: false,
  835. content: res.errmsg
  836. });
  837. }
  838. })
  839. .catch((res) => {
  840. uni.hideLoading();
  841. util.showErrorToast(res.errmsg);
  842. });
  843. },
  844. aliPrepay(orderId){
  845. uni.showLoading({
  846. title: '加载中'
  847. });
  848. let that=this;
  849. util.request(api.aliPrepay, {
  850. orderId:orderId
  851. }).then(res=> {
  852. if (res.errno === 0) {
  853. //是否跳转新支付结果页面
  854. let;
  855. let;
  856. let;
  857. my.tradePay({
  858. tradeNO:tradeNo,
  859. success: (payres) => {
  860. uni.hideLoading();
  861. uni.hideLoading();
  862. console.log('ali调起支付成功');
  863. console.log(payres);
  864. let resultCode=payres.resultCode;
  865. if(resultCode=='9000'){
  866. util.addLog(1,2,15,{
  867. goodsId: this.goodsId,
  868. productId:this.productId
  869. });
  870. //如果是静默状态未登录 开始授权登录
  871. if (!app.globalData.hasLogin) {
  872. user.getLoginInfo(outOrderNo).then((resUser) => {
  873. if (resUser.errno == 0) {
  874. app.globalData.hasLogin = true;
  875. app.globalData.userInfo =;
  876. uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',;
  877. uni.setStorageSync('token',;
  878. }
  879. });
  880. }
  881. if(goNewPage){
  882. uni.redirectTo({
  883. url: '/pages/checkout/payResult/payResultNew?status=1&outOrderNo=' + outOrderNo + '&actualPrice=' + that.actualPrice+'&goodsId=''&productId='+that.productId
  884. });
  885. }else{
  886. uni.redirectTo({
  887. url: '/pages/checkout/payResult/payResult?status=1&outOrderNo=' + outOrderNo + '&actualPrice=' + that.actualPrice+'&goodsId='
  888. });
  889. }
  890. }else{
  891. util.addLog(1,2,14,{
  892. goodsId: this.goodsId,
  893. productId:this.productId
  894. });
  895. // that.setData({
  896. // payFailShow: true
  897. // });
  898. uni.showModal({
  899. title: '提示',
  900. content: "未支付成功,"+payres.memo,
  901. showCancel: false,
  902. success:function(modalres){
  903. if(modalres.confirm){
  904. uni.navigateTo({
  905. url: '/pages/ucenter/orderDetail/orderDetailPay?id=' + outOrderNo
  906. });
  907. }
  908. }
  909. });
  910. }
  911. },
  912. fail: (failres) => {
  913. console.log(failres);
  914. uni.hideLoading();
  915. }
  916. });
  917. } else {
  918. uni.hideLoading();
  919. uni.showModal({
  920. title: '提醒',
  921. showCancel: false,
  922. content: res.errmsg
  923. });
  924. }
  925. })
  926. .catch((res) => {
  927. uni.hideLoading();
  928. util.showErrorToast(res.errmsg);
  929. });
  930. },
  931. submitInfo(res) {
  932. let date = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].bookdate;
  933. let week = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].weekOfDay;
  934. let time = this.timeList[this.timeIndex].begin + '-' + this.timeList[this.timeIndex].end;
  935. let params = {
  936. weeks: [{
  937. dayOfWeek: (new Date(this.dateList[this.dateIndex].bookdate)).getDay(),
  938. startTime: time.split('-')[0],
  939. endTime: time.split('-')[1],
  940. }],
  941. type: 0,
  942. startDate: date,
  943. lng: this.checkedAddress.lng,
  944. lat:,
  945. shopId: this.checkedAddress.shopId,
  948. unitIncreaseNumber: this.unitIncreaseNumber,
  949. };
  950. console.log(params);
  951. this.orderPay(params);
  952. },
  953. orderPay(orderData) {
  954. util.addLog(1,2,13,{
  955. goodsId: this.goodsId,
  956. productId:this.productId
  957. });
  958. var callbackData = {
  959. cartId: this.cartId,
  960. addressId: this.addressId,
  961. couponId: this.couponId,
  962. userCouponId: this.userCouponId,
  963. message: this.message,
  964. shareId: this.shareId,
  965. //预约参数信息
  966. orderDate: orderData,
  967. userId: this.userInfo ? : '',
  968. // phone_num:,
  969. city:,
  970. tradeOption: this.tradeOption,
  971. buyAndBook: this.buyAndBook,
  972. };
  973. if (this.codeShow && !this.isNoMatch) {
  974. callbackData.recCode = this.recCode;
  975. }
  976. let params = {
  977. skuList: this.skuList,
  978. // goodsList: this.goodsList,
  979. tradeOption: this.tradeOption,
  980. bookInfo: this.bookInfo,
  981. payment: this.payment,
  982. callbackData: callbackData,
  983. callbackUrl: this.callbackUrl
  984. };
  985. console.log(params);
  986. uni.showLoading({
  987. title: '加载中'
  988. });
  989. uni.createOrder({
  990. skuList: this.skuList,
  991. tradeOption: this.tradeOption,
  992. bookInfo: this.bookInfo,
  993. payment: this.payment,
  994. callbackData: callbackData,
  995. callbackUrl: this.callbackUrl,
  996. success: (res) => {
  997. util.addLog(1,2,15,{
  998. goodsId: this.goodsId,
  999. productId:this.productId
  1000. });
  1001. uni.hideLoading();
  1002. console.log('预下单成功11');
  1003. console.log(res);
  1004. const {
  1005. orderId,
  1006. outOrderNo
  1007. } = res;
  1008. console.log('success res', res);
  1009. console.log('orderId', orderId, 'outOrderNo', outOrderNo);
  1010. this.setData({
  1011. orderId,
  1012. outOrderNo
  1013. });
  1014. console.log(this);
  1015. //如果是静默状态未登录 开始授权登录
  1016. if (!app.globalData.hasLogin) {
  1017. user.getLoginInfo(outOrderNo).then((resUser) => {
  1018. console.log(resUser);
  1019. if (resUser.errno == 0) {
  1020. console.log("支付成功后1111",resUser);
  1021. app.globalData.hasLogin = true;
  1022. app.globalData.userInfo =;
  1023. uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',;
  1024. uni.setStorageSync('token',;
  1025. }
  1026. });
  1027. }
  1028. uni.redirectTo({
  1029. url: '/pages/checkout/payResult/payResult?status=1&outOrderNo=' +
  1030. outOrderNo + '&actualPrice=' + this.actualPrice
  1031. });
  1032. },
  1033. fail: (res) => {
  1034. util.addLog(1,2,14,{
  1035. goodsId: this.goodsId,
  1036. productId:this.productId
  1037. });
  1038. uni.hideLoading();
  1039. console.log('预下单失败11');
  1040. console.log('params', params);
  1041. console.log(res);
  1042. const {
  1043. orderId,
  1044. outOrderNo,
  1045. errNo,
  1046. errMsg,
  1047. errLogId
  1048. } = res;
  1049. if (errLogId) {
  1050. console.log('预下单失败', errNo, errMsg, errLogId);
  1051. let tomsg = errMsg;
  1052. if (tomsg.indexOf('createOrder') != -1) {
  1053. tomsg = tomsg.replace('createOrder:fail 开发者限购:', '');
  1054. tomsg = tomsg.replace('createOrder:fail 开发者拒绝交易:', '');
  1055. tomsg = tomsg.replace('createOrder:fail', '');
  1056. }
  1057. uni.showModal({
  1058. title: '提示',
  1059. content: tomsg,
  1060. showCancel: false,
  1061. success(res) {}
  1062. });
  1063. }
  1064. if (orderId || outOrderNo) {
  1065. this.setData({
  1066. orderId,
  1067. outOrderNo
  1068. });
  1069. console.log('支付失败', errNo, errMsg, orderId, outOrderNo);
  1070. this.setData({
  1071. payFailShow: true
  1072. });
  1073. // uni.navigateTo({
  1074. // url: '/pages/ucenter/orderDetail/orderDetailPay?id=' + outOrderNo
  1075. // });
  1076. }
  1077. console.log(errNo, errMsg);
  1078. }
  1079. });
  1080. },
  1081. surplusMonth: function(year) {
  1082. var date = new Date();
  1083. var year2 = date.getFullYear();
  1084. var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
  1085. var day = date.getDate();
  1086. var hour = date.getHours();
  1087. var minute = date.getMinutes();
  1088. var second = date.getSeconds();
  1089. var monthDatas = [];
  1090. if (year == year2) {
  1091. var surplusMonth = 12 - month;
  1092. monthDatas.push(month + '月');
  1093. for (var i = month; i < 12; i++) {
  1094. monthDatas.push(i + 1 + '月');
  1095. }
  1096. } else {
  1097. for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
  1098. monthDatas.push(i + 1 + '月');
  1099. }
  1100. }
  1101. return monthDatas;
  1102. },
  1103. //天数计算
  1104. surplusDay: function(year, month, day) {
  1105. var days = 31;
  1106. var dayDatas = [];
  1107. var date = new Date();
  1108. var year2 = date.getFullYear();
  1109. var month2 = date.getMonth() + 1;
  1110. switch (parseInt(month)) {
  1111. case 1:
  1112. case 3:
  1113. case 5:
  1114. case 7:
  1115. case 8:
  1116. case 10:
  1117. case 12:
  1118. days = 31;
  1119. break;
  1120. //对于2月份需要判断是否为闰年
  1121. case 2:
  1122. if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) {
  1123. days = 29;
  1124. break;
  1125. } else {
  1126. days = 28;
  1127. break;
  1128. }
  1129. case 4:
  1130. case 6:
  1131. case 9:
  1132. case 11:
  1133. days = 30;
  1134. break;
  1135. }
  1136. if (year == year2 && month == month2) {
  1137. // dayDatas.push(day + "日")
  1138. for (var i = day; i < days; i++) {
  1139. dayDatas.push(i + 1 + '日');
  1140. }
  1141. } else {
  1142. console.log(month + '月' + days + '天');
  1143. for (var i = 0; i < days; i++) {
  1144. dayDatas.push(i + 1 + '日');
  1145. }
  1146. }
  1147. return dayDatas;
  1148. },
  1149. //时间计算
  1150. surplusHour: function(year, month, day, hour) {
  1151. var date = new Date();
  1152. var year2 = date.getFullYear();
  1153. var month2 = date.getMonth() + 1;
  1154. var day2 = date.getDate();
  1155. var hourEnd = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21];
  1156. var hours = [
  1157. ['09时', '10时', '11时', '12时', '13时', '14时', '15时', '16时', '17时', '18时', '19时', '20时'],
  1158. ['10时', '11时', '12时', '13时', '14时', '15时', '16时', '17时', '18时', '19时', '20时', '21时']
  1159. ];
  1160. return hours;
  1161. },
  1162. varietiesChange: function(e) {
  1163. var Varieties = this.array[parseInt(e.detail.value)];
  1164. console.log(Varieties);
  1165. this.setData({
  1166. Varieties: Varieties
  1167. });
  1168. },
  1169. warehouseChange: function(e) {
  1170. var Warehouse = this.array[parseInt(e.detail.value)];
  1171. console.log(Warehouse);
  1172. this.setData({
  1173. Warehouse: Warehouse
  1174. });
  1175. },
  1176. //某一列的值改变时触发
  1177. bindMultiPickerColumnChange: function(e) {
  1178. var date = new Date();
  1179. var year1 = date.getFullYear();
  1180. var month1 = date.getMonth() + 1;
  1181. var day1 = date.getDate();
  1182. var hour1 = date.getHours();
  1183. console.log('当前月份' + this.month + '修改的列为', e.detail.column, ',值为', e.detail.value);
  1184. var data = {
  1185. multiArray: this.multiArray,
  1186. multiIndex: this.multiIndex,
  1187. year: this.year,
  1188. month: this.month,
  1189. day:,
  1190. startHour: this.startHour,
  1191. endHour: this.startHour
  1192. };
  1193. data.multiIndex[e.detail.column] = e.detail.value;
  1194. switch (e.detail.column) {
  1195. case 0:
  1196. var yearStr = data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value];
  1197. var year = yearStr.substring(0, yearStr.length - 1);
  1198. data.year = parseInt(year);
  1199. var surplusMonth = this.surplusMonth(year);
  1200. data.multiArray[1] = surplusMonth;
  1201. if (data.year == year1) {
  1202. data.month = month1;
  1203. } else {
  1204. data.month = 1;
  1205. }
  1206. if (data.year == year1 && month1 == data.month) {
  1207. = day1;
  1208. } else {
  1209. = 1;
  1210. }
  1211. var surplusDay = this.surplusDay(data.year, data.month,;
  1212. data.multiArray[2] = surplusDay;
  1213. var surplusHour;
  1214. if (data.year == year1 && month1 == data.month && == day1) {
  1215. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, hour1);
  1216. } else {
  1217. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, 1);
  1218. }
  1219. console.log(surplusHour);
  1220. data.multiArray[3] = surplusHour[0];
  1221. data.multiArray[5] = surplusHour[1];
  1222. data.startHour = surplusHour[0];
  1223. data.endHour = surplusHour[1];
  1224. data.multiIndex[1] = 0;
  1225. data.multiIndex[2] = 0;
  1226. data.multiIndex[3] = 0;
  1227. data.multiIndex[5] = 0;
  1228. break;
  1229. case 1:
  1230. console.log('选择月份' + data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value]);
  1231. var monthStr = data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value];
  1232. var month = monthStr.substring(0, monthStr.length - 1);
  1233. data.month = month;
  1234. = 1;
  1235. if (data.year == year1 && month1 == data.month) {
  1236. = day1;
  1237. } else {
  1238. = 1;
  1239. }
  1240. var surplusDay = this.surplusDay(data.year, data.month,;
  1241. data.multiArray[2] = surplusDay;
  1242. var surplusHour;
  1243. if (data.year == year1 && month1 == data.month && == day1) {
  1244. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, hour1);
  1245. } else {
  1246. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, 1);
  1247. }
  1248. data.multiArray[3] = surplusHour[0];
  1249. data.multiArray[5] = surplusHour[1];
  1250. data.startHour = surplusHour[0];
  1251. data.endHour = surplusHour[1];
  1252. data.multiIndex[2] = 0;
  1253. data.multiIndex[3] = 0;
  1254. data.multiIndex[5] = 0;
  1255. break;
  1256. case 2:
  1257. console.log('选择日' + data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value]);
  1258. var dayStr = data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value];
  1259. var day = dayStr.substring(0, dayStr.length - 1);
  1260. = day;
  1261. var surplusHour;
  1262. if (data.year == year1 && month1 == data.month && == day1) {
  1263. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, hour1);
  1264. } else {
  1265. surplusHour = this.surplusHour(data.year, data.month,, 1);
  1266. }
  1267. data.multiArray[3] = surplusHour[0];
  1268. data.multiArray[5] = surplusHour[1];
  1269. data.startHour = surplusHour[0];
  1270. data.endHour = surplusHour[1];
  1271. data.multiIndex[3] = 0;
  1272. data.multiIndex[5] = 0;
  1273. break;
  1274. case 3:
  1275. console.log('起始时间' + data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value]);
  1276. var hourStr = data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value];
  1277. var hour = hourStr.substring(0, hourStr.length - 1);
  1278. data.startHour = hour;
  1279. console.log('起始时间' + hour + ' day1:' + day1);
  1280. /*var endhours2 = [];
  1281. var end = ['09时', '11时', '12时', '13时', '14时', '15时', '16时', '17时', '18时', '19时', '20时', '20时'];
  1282. for (var i = e.detail.value; i < end.length; i++) {
  1283. endhours2.push(end[i]);
  1284. }
  1285. data.multiArray[5] = endhours2; */
  1286. if (e.detail.value > data.multiIndex[5]) {
  1287. data.multiIndex[5] = e.detail.value;
  1288. }
  1289. break;
  1290. case 5:
  1291. var hourStr = data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value];
  1292. var hour = hourStr.substring(0, hourStr.length - 1);
  1293. data.endHour = hour;
  1294. if (e.detail.value < data.multiIndex[3]) {
  1295. data.multiIndex[3] = e.detail.value;
  1296. }
  1297. //console.log('index:'+data.multiIndex[3]+'value:'+e.detail.value+'结束时间' + data.multiArray[e.detail.column][e.detail.value]);
  1298. break;
  1299. }
  1300. this.setData(data);
  1301. },
  1302. //value 改变时触发 change 事件
  1303. bindMultiPickerChange: function(e) {
  1308. var dateStr =
  1309. this.multiArray[0][this.multiIndex[0]] +
  1310. this.multiArray[1][this.multiIndex[1]] +
  1311. this.multiArray[2][this.multiIndex[2]] +
  1312. this.multiArray[3][this.multiIndex[3]] +
  1313. this.multiArray[4][this.multiIndex[4]] +
  1314. this.multiArray[5][this.multiIndex[5]];
  1315. console.log('picker发送选择改变,携带值为', dateStr);
  1316. this.setData({
  1317. orderData: dateStr
  1318. });
  1319. },
  1320. onClose() {
  1321. this.setData({
  1322. choosePopup: false
  1323. //remarkDisable: false,
  1324. });
  1325. },
  1326. dateCheck(e) {
  1327. let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
  1328. let date =;
  1329. let week = e.currentTarget.dataset.week;
  1330. let isbook = e.currentTarget.dataset.isbook;
  1331. this.setData({
  1332. dateIndex: index
  1333. });
  1334. let period = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].period;
  1335. let current = (this.noonType == 1 ? '上午' : '下午');
  1336. let list = period.filter(item => {
  1337. return item.ofTime == current;
  1338. });
  1339. this.setData({
  1340. timeList: list
  1341. });
  1342. let isNoTime = list.every(item => {
  1343. return item.timeMsg && item.timeMsg != null;
  1344. });
  1345. if (isNoTime) {
  1346. this.setData({
  1347. timeIndex: -1,
  1348. selectTimeValue: ''
  1349. });
  1350. }
  1351. },
  1352. timeCheck(e) {
  1353. let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
  1354. let msg = e.currentTarget.dataset.msg;
  1355. if (msg == null || msg == '') {
  1356. let time = (this.timeList[index].begin).split(':')[0];
  1357. this.setData({
  1358. timeIndex: index,
  1359. selectTimeValue: Number(time)
  1360. });
  1361. }
  1362. },
  1363. weekCheck(e) {
  1364. let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
  1365. this.setData({
  1366. weekIndex: index
  1367. // selectTimeIndex:'null'
  1368. });
  1369. },
  1370. timeSelect(e) {
  1371. let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
  1372. let time = e.currentTarget.dataset.time;
  1373. if (this.activeTab != 2) {
  1374. let weekList = this.weekArrList;
  1375. weekList.forEach((item) => {
  1376. item.num = 0;
  1377. });
  1378. this.setData({
  1379. weekArrList: weekList
  1380. });
  1381. let itemData = 'weekArrList[' + this.weekIndex + '].num';
  1382. let selectedDateList = [];
  1383. let dateItem = {
  1384. week: this.weekIndex,
  1385. time: time,
  1386. weekStr: this.weekArrList[this.weekIndex].week
  1387. };
  1388. selectedDateList.push(dateItem);
  1389. console.log(this);
  1390. this.setData({
  1391. selectTimeIndex: index,
  1392. [itemData]: 1,
  1393. selectedWeekList: [this.weekIndex],
  1394. selectedDateList: selectedDateList
  1395. });
  1396. console.log(this);
  1397. } else {
  1398. // 如果选中的时间段小于2个
  1399. if (this.selectedDateList.length < 2) {
  1400. let itemData = 'weekArrList[' + this.weekIndex + '].num';
  1401. let num = this.weekArrList[this.weekIndex].num;
  1402. let selectedDateList = this.selectedDateList;
  1403. selectedDateList.push({
  1404. week: this.weekIndex,
  1405. time: time,
  1406. weekStr: this.weekArrList[this.weekIndex].week
  1407. });
  1408. let selectedWeekList = this.selectedWeekList;
  1409. if (selectedWeekList.indexOf(this.weekIndex) == -1) {
  1410. selectedWeekList.push(this.weekIndex);
  1411. }
  1412. this.setData({
  1413. [itemData]: num + 1,
  1414. selectTimeIndex: index,
  1415. // selectedWeekList:selectedWeekList,
  1416. selectedWeekList: [this.weekIndex],
  1417. selectedDateList: selectedDateList
  1418. });
  1419. } else {
  1420. // 删除第一个
  1421. let firstTimeSelected = this.selectedDateList[0];
  1422. let firstWeekSelectedIndex = firstTimeSelected.week;
  1423. // let[firstWeekSelectedIndex];
  1424. let itemDataDel = 'weekArrList[' + firstWeekSelectedIndex + '].num';
  1425. let numDel = this.weekArrList[firstWeekSelectedIndex].num;
  1426. let selectedDateListDel = this.selectedDateList;
  1427. selectedDateListDel.shift();
  1428. this.setData({
  1429. [itemDataDel]: numDel - 1,
  1430. // selectTimeIndex:index,
  1431. selectedDateList: selectedDateListDel
  1432. });
  1433. // 加入新选中的
  1434. let itemData = 'weekArrList[' + this.weekIndex + '].num';
  1435. let num = this.weekArrList[this.weekIndex].num;
  1436. let selectedDateList = this.selectedDateList;
  1437. selectedDateList.push({
  1438. week: this.weekIndex,
  1439. time: time,
  1440. weekStr: this.weekArrList[this.weekIndex].week
  1441. });
  1442. this.setData({
  1443. [itemData]: num + 1,
  1444. // selectTimeIndex:index,
  1445. selectedDateList: selectedDateList
  1446. });
  1447. let weekListNew = [];
  1448. this.selectedDateList.forEach((item) => {
  1449. if (weekListNew.indexOf(item.week) == -1) {
  1450. weekListNew.push(item.week);
  1451. }
  1452. });
  1453. this.setData({
  1454. selectedWeekList: weekListNew
  1455. });
  1456. }
  1457. console.log(this);
  1458. }
  1459. },
  1460. firstDateCheck(e) {
  1461. let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
  1462. this.setData({
  1463. firstDateIndex: index
  1464. });
  1465. },
  1466. onTabChange(e) {
  1467. let weekList = this.weekArrList;
  1468. weekList.forEach((item) => {
  1469. item.num = 0;
  1470. });
  1471. let tab =;
  1472. this.setData({
  1473. weekArrList: weekList,
  1474. activeTab: tab,
  1475. selectTimeIndex: 'null',
  1476. selectedWeekList: [],
  1477. selectedDateList: []
  1478. });
  1479. },
  1480. showAppoint() {
  1481. if (this.addressId == 0) {
  1482. util.showErrorToast("请选择服务地址");
  1483. return false;
  1484. }
  1485. // this.setData({
  1486. // choosePopup: true,
  1487. // popupType: == 3 ? 2 :,
  1488. // isFinishAppoint: false
  1489. // });
  1490. // if ( == '1') {
  1491. // this.getDayStock();
  1492. // }
  1493. if (this.appointDate != '') {
  1494. this.setData({
  1495. choosePopup: true,
  1496. });
  1497. return false;
  1498. } else {
  1499. this.setData({
  1500. choosePopup: true,
  1501. noonType: 1,
  1502. timeIndex: 0
  1503. });
  1504. this.getDayStock();
  1505. }
  1506. },
  1507. confirmTimeOld() {
  1508. console.log(this.activeTab);
  1509. console.log(this);
  1510. if (this.popupType == 1) {
  1511. if (this.timeIndex === '') {
  1512. uni.showToast({
  1513. title: '请选择服务时间',
  1514. icon: 'none',
  1515. duration: 2000
  1516. });
  1517. return false;
  1518. }
  1519. let date = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].date;
  1520. let week = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].week;
  1521. let time = this.timeList[this.timeIndex].time;
  1522. console.log(week, time);
  1523. this.setData({
  1524. oneTimeAppoint: date + ' ' + week + ' ' + time,
  1525. choosePopup: false,
  1526. isFinishAppoint: true
  1527. });
  1528. } else if (this.popupType == 2) {
  1529. if (this.activeTab == 2) {
  1530. if (this.selectedDateList.length < 1) {
  1531. uni.showToast({
  1532. title: '请选择服务时间',
  1533. icon: 'none',
  1534. duration: 2000
  1535. });
  1536. } else if (this.selectedDateList.length == 1) {
  1537. uni.showToast({
  1538. title: '请选择第二次服务时间',
  1539. icon: 'none',
  1540. duration: 2000
  1541. });
  1542. } else {
  1543. // 选择频次
  1544. let futureDateList = util.getDateList(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000 * 24), 1);
  1545. let minIndex = Math.min.apply(null, this.selectedWeekList);
  1546. console.log(minIndex);
  1547. console.log(this.weekArrList[minIndex].id);
  1548. let beginDate = futureDateList.filter((item) => {
  1549. return new Date( == this.weekArrList[minIndex].id;
  1550. });
  1551. console.log(beginDate);
  1552. let inter = 7;
  1553. let firstAppointList = util.getDateList(new Date(new Date(beginDate[0].date).getTime()),
  1554. inter);
  1555. this.setData({
  1556. popupType: 3,
  1557. firstAppointList: firstAppointList
  1558. });
  1559. }
  1560. } else {
  1561. if (this.selectedDateList.length == 0) {
  1562. uni.showToast({
  1563. title: '请选择服务时间',
  1564. icon: 'none',
  1565. duration: 2000
  1566. });
  1567. } else {
  1568. // 选择频次
  1569. let futureDateList = util.getDateList(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000 * 24), 1);
  1570. let minIndex = Math.min.apply(null, this.selectedWeekList);
  1571. console.log(minIndex);
  1572. let beginDate = futureDateList.filter((item) => {
  1573. return new Date( == this.weekArrList[minIndex].id;
  1574. });
  1575. console.log(beginDate);
  1576. let inter = this.activeTab == 3 ? 14 : 7;
  1577. let firstAppointList = util.getDateList(new Date(new Date(beginDate[0].date).getTime()),
  1578. inter);
  1579. this.setData({
  1580. popupType: 3,
  1581. firstAppointList: firstAppointList
  1582. });
  1583. }
  1584. }
  1585. } else if (this.popupType == 3) {
  1586. let firstTime = this.firstAppointList[this.firstDateIndex].date;
  1587. console.log(firstTime);
  1588. console.log(this.selectedDateList);
  1589. // this.orderAppoint();
  1590. this.setData({
  1591. choosePopup: false,
  1592. isFinishAppoint: true,
  1593. popupType: 2
  1594. // noSerTimes:,
  1595. // appointFailTip: >= 1 ? true : false
  1596. });
  1597. // this.setData({
  1598. // choosePopup:false,
  1599. // isFinishAppoint:true
  1600. // });
  1601. }
  1602. },
  1603. noonTab(e) {
  1604. let noon = e.currentTarget.dataset.noon;
  1605. this.setData({
  1606. timeIndex: -1,
  1607. noonType: noon,
  1608. selectTimeValue: '',
  1609. });
  1610. let period = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].period;
  1611. let current = (this.noonType == 1 ? '上午' : '下午');
  1612. let list = period.filter(item => {
  1613. return item.ofTime == current;
  1614. });
  1615. this.setData({
  1616. timeList: list
  1617. });
  1618. },
  1619. confirmTime() {
  1620. if (this.timeIndex === '' || this.timeIndex < 0) {
  1621. util.showErrorToast('请选择服务时间');
  1622. return false;
  1623. }
  1624. let date = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].bookdate;
  1625. let week = this.dateList[this.dateIndex].weekOfDay;
  1626. let time = this.timeList[this.timeIndex].begin + '-' + this.timeList[this.timeIndex].end;
  1627. this.setData({
  1628. choosePopup: false,
  1629. appointDate: date + ' ' + week + ' ' + time
  1630. });
  1631. },
  1632. orderAppoint() {
  1633. // 如果是多次卡先预估,单次卡不用预估
  1634. let weeks = [];
  1635. this.selectedDateList.forEach((item) => {
  1636. let obj = {
  1637. dayOfWeek: this.weekArrList[item.week].id,
  1638. startTime: item.time.split('-')[0],
  1639. endTime: item.time.split('-')[1]
  1640. };
  1641. weeks.push(obj);
  1642. });
  1643. let params = {
  1644. weeks: weeks,
  1645. type: this.activeTab,
  1646. startDate: this.firstAppointList[this.firstDateIndex].date,
  1647. lng: this.checkedAddress.lng,
  1648. lat:,
  1649. shopId: this.checkedAddress.shopId,
  1650. goodId:
  1651. };
  1652. uni.showLoading({
  1653. title: '加载中'
  1654. });
  1655. util.request(api.OrderAppoint, params, 'POST')
  1656. .then((res) => {
  1657. uni.hideLoading();
  1658. if (res.errno == 0) {
  1659. // this.orderPay(params);
  1660. this.setData({
  1661. choosePopup: false,
  1662. isFinishAppoint: true,
  1663. popupType: 2
  1664. // noSerTimes:,
  1665. // appointFailTip: >= 1 ? true : false
  1666. });
  1667. } else {
  1668. // util.showErrorToast(res.errmsg);
  1669. uni.showToast({
  1670. title: res.errmsg,
  1671. icon: 'none',
  1672. duration: 2000
  1673. });
  1674. }
  1675. })
  1676. .catch(function(err) {
  1677. console.log(err);
  1678. uni.hideLoading();
  1679. uni.showToast({
  1680. title: err.errMsg,
  1681. icon: 'none'
  1682. });
  1683. });
  1684. },
  1685. cancelPay() {
  1686. this.setData({
  1687. payFailShow: false
  1688. });
  1689. uni.navigateBack({
  1690. delta: 1
  1691. });
  1692. },
  1693. rePay() {
  1694. uni.showLoading({
  1695. title: '支付中'
  1696. });
  1697. // 支付
  1698. uni.continueToPay({
  1699. // orderId:, // 内部订单号
  1700. outOrderNo: this.outOrderNo,
  1701. // 外部订单号 2个订单号必填一个
  1702. success: (res) => {
  1703. console.log(res);
  1704. const {
  1705. orderId,
  1706. outOrderNo
  1707. } = res;
  1708. console.log('success res', res);
  1709. console.log('orderId', orderId, 'outOrderNo', outOrderNo);
  1710. this.setData({
  1711. payFailShow: false
  1712. });
  1713. uni.redirectTo({
  1714. url: '/pages/checkout/payResult/payResult?status=1&outOrderNo=' +
  1715. outOrderNo + '&orderId=' + orderId + '&actualPrice=' + this.actualPrice
  1716. });
  1717. },
  1718. fail: (res) => {
  1719. console.log(res);
  1720. const {
  1721. orderId,
  1722. outOrderNo,
  1723. errNo,
  1724. errMsg,
  1725. errLogId
  1726. } = res;
  1727. if (errLogId) {
  1728. console.log('查询订单信息失败', errNo, errMsg, errLogId);
  1729. }
  1730. if (orderId || outOrderNo) {
  1731. console.log('支付失败', errNo, errMsg, orderId, outOrderNo);
  1732. }
  1733. util.showErrorToast('支付失败');
  1734. }
  1735. });
  1736. },
  1737. getDayStock() {
  1738. // if (this.dateIndex < 0) {
  1739. // return false;
  1740. // }
  1741. let params = {
  1742. days: 7,
  1743. goodsId:,
  1744. serviceDuration: this.checkedGoods.serviceDuration,
  1745. addressId: this.addressId,
  1746. productId: this.productId,
  1747. // lng: this.checkedAddress.lng,
  1748. // lat:
  1749. };
  1750. uni.showLoading({
  1751. title: '加载中'
  1752. });
  1753. util.request(api.everyDayTime, params, 'GET')
  1754. .then((res) => {
  1755. uni.hideLoading();
  1756. if (res.errno == 0) {
  1757. this.setData({
  1758. dateList:,
  1759. dateIndex: 0,
  1760. timeIndex: -1,
  1761. noonType: 1
  1762. });
  1763. let period =[0].period;
  1764. let list = period.filter(item => {
  1765. return item.ofTime == '上午';
  1766. });
  1767. this.setData({
  1768. timeList: list
  1769. });
  1770. } else {
  1771. uni.showToast({
  1772. title: res.errmsg,
  1773. icon: 'none',
  1774. duration: 2000
  1775. });
  1776. this.setData({
  1777. timeList: [],
  1778. timeIndex: ''
  1779. });
  1780. }
  1781. })
  1782. .catch(function(err) {
  1783. console.log(err);
  1784. uni.hideLoading();
  1785. uni.showToast({
  1786. title: err.errMsg,
  1787. icon: 'none'
  1788. });
  1789. this.setData({
  1790. timeList: [],
  1791. timeIndex: ''
  1792. });
  1793. });
  1794. },
  1795. bindCodeInput: function(e) {
  1796. this.setData({
  1797. recCode: e.detail.value
  1798. });
  1799. if (e.detail.value.length == 5) {
  1800. // 校验服务者真实性
  1801. this.recCodeCheck();
  1802. // this.setData({
  1803. // codeShow:true
  1804. // })
  1805. } else {
  1806. this.setData({
  1807. codeShow: false
  1808. });
  1809. }
  1810. },
  1811. recCodeCheck() {
  1812. uni.showLoading({
  1813. title: '加载中'
  1814. });
  1815. util.request(
  1816. api.checkRecommend, {
  1817. recCode: this.recCode
  1818. },
  1819. 'GET'
  1820. )
  1821. .then((res) => {
  1822. uni.hideLoading();
  1823. if (res.errno == 0) {
  1824. if ( {
  1825. this.setData({
  1826. codeShow: true,
  1827. isNoMatch: false,
  1828. recommendTips: '推荐人:' +
  1829. });
  1830. } else {
  1831. this.setData({
  1832. codeShow: true,
  1833. isNoMatch: true,
  1834. recommendTips: '未匹配到推荐者,请您和推荐人核对'
  1835. });
  1836. }
  1837. } else {
  1838. this.setData({
  1839. codeShow: false
  1840. });
  1841. uni.showToast({
  1842. title: res.errmsg,
  1843. icon: 'none',
  1844. duration: 2000
  1845. });
  1846. }
  1847. })
  1848. .catch(function(err) {
  1849. uni.hideLoading();
  1850. this.setData({
  1851. codeShow: false
  1852. });
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