$(function () { // IOS 微信浏览器开启点击事件 $("body>*").bind("click",function(){}); //修复移动端 date 不支持placeholder $('#scan-integral input[type="date"]').focus(function () { $(this).addClass('full') }); /*--------------------签到弹出框初始化-------------------------------------*/ $('.popup-modal').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true }); }) /*-------------------校验表单提示错误框------------------------------------*/ function messageModal(message) { setTimeout(() => { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '', // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector type: 'inline' } }); }, 20); $(document).on('click', '#popup .confirm-button', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); }) } function messageCheckModal(message,icon,callback,button) { var title=""; if(icon=="check-success") title="有缘分" else if(icon=="check-fail") title="很遗憾" // if(icon=="check-un") title="无法识别" var nocoverUrl=""; if(icon=="check-fail") nocoverUrl="点击进入定制专区" setTimeout(() => { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '', // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector type: 'inline' } }); }, 20); $(document).on('click', '#popup .confirm-button', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); if(callback!=null) callback(); }) } function messageCheckFailModal(message,callback,address) { var nocoverUrl ="点击进入定制专区" setTimeout(() => { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '', // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector type: 'inline' } }); }, 20); $(document).on('click', '#popup .confirm-button', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); if(callback!=null) callback(); }) } function messageNoCoverModal(message,callback) { setTimeout(() => { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '', // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector type: 'inline' } }); }, 20); $(document).on('click', '#popup .confirm-button', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); if(callback!=null) callback(); }) } function confirmCancel(message, callbackOK,callbackCancel) { setTimeout(() => { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '', // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector type: 'inline' } }); }, 20); $(document).on('click', '#popup .btnOK', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); callbackOK(); $(document).off('click', '#popup .confirm-button') }); $(document).on('click', '#popup .btnCancel', function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); callbackCancel(); $(document).off('click', '#popup .confirm-button') }) } /*----------------------获取今天日期-----------------------------------------*/ function getCurrenTime() { var date = new Date(); var getMonth=date.getMonth()+1 if(date.getMonth()<10){ getMonth='0'+getMonth } var dateString = date.getFullYear()+"-"+getMonth+"-"+date.getDate(); return dateString } /*--------------------发送短信验证码--------------------------------*/ var countdown=60; function sendEmail(obj) { setTime(obj) } function setTime(obj) { //发送验证码倒计时 if (countdown == 0) { obj.attr('disabled',false); obj.removeClass('gray'); obj.val("点击获取"); countdown = 60; return; } else { obj.attr('disabled',true); obj.addClass('gray') obj.val("重新发送(" + countdown + ")"); countdown--; } setTimeout(function(){setTime(obj)},1000); }