var api = require('../config/api.js'); var area=require('../utils/area.js'); var util=require('../utils/util.js'); var QQMapWX = require('../utils/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js'); var qqmapsdk; var app = getApp(); function getCity(){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: app.globalData.mapKey //这里自己的key秘钥进行填充 }); wx.getSetting({ success: (res) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res)) // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == undefined 表示 初始化进入该页面 // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == false 表示 非初始化进入该页面,且未授权 // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == true 表示 地理位置授权 if (res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] != undefined && res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] != true) { wx.showModal({ title: '请求授权当前位置', content: '需要获取您的地理位置,请确认授权', success: function (res) { if (res.cancel) { reject(1); } else if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting({ success: function (dataAu) { if (dataAu.authSetting["scope.userLocation"] == true) { wx.showToast({ title: '授权成功', icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) //再次授权,调用wx.getLocation的API getLocation().then((res)=>{ resolve(res) }).catch((res)=>{ reject(res) }); } else { reject(1); } } }) } } }) } else { //调用wx.getLocation的API getLocation().then((res)=>{ resolve(res) }).catch((res)=>{ reject(res) }); } } }) }) } // 微信获得经纬度 function getLocation () { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }, success: function (res) { ////reject内容 1:未授权(拿默认城市的默认门店) 2:非业务城市 不在服务范围(拿默认城市的默认门店) 3:异常解析() let province = res.result.ad_info.province let city = let address=res.result.address; if(!area.isBusinessCity(city)){//非业务城市 reject(2); } else{//判断是否有门店服务 // util.request(api.OrderBookGetShop,{lng:longitude,lat:latitude}).then(res=>{ // if(res.errno==0){ var addressInfo={ address:address, lng:longitude, lat:latitude, shopId:"", city:city, shopName:"" // } wx.setStorageSync('addressInfo', addressInfo) resolve(addressInfo) // } // else // reject(3) // }).catch(res=>{ // reject(3) // }) } res) }, fail: function (res) { reject(3) } }); }, fail: function (res) { console.log('fail' + JSON.stringify(res)) reject(3) } }) }) } function chooseLocation(){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude var speed = res.speed var accuracy = res.accuracy; wx.chooseLocation({ success: function(res){ app.globalData.lng=res.longitude;; app.globalData.address=res.address; resolve(true) }, fail: function() { reject(false) } }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log('fail' + JSON.stringify(res)) reject(false) } }) }) } //判断用户是否拒绝地理位置信息授权,拒绝的话重新请求授权 function getUserLocation() { let that = this; wx.getSetting({ success: (res) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res)) // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == undefined 表示 初始化进入该页面 // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == false 表示 非初始化进入该页面,且未授权 // res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == true 表示 地理位置授权 if (res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] != undefined && res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] != true) { wx.showModal({ title: '请求授权当前位置', content: '需要获取您的地理位置,请确认授权', success: function (res) { if (res.cancel) { wx.showToast({ title: '拒绝授权', icon: 'none', duration: 1000 }) } else if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting({ success: function (dataAu) { if (dataAu.authSetting["scope.userLocation"] == true) { wx.showToast({ title: '授权成功', icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) //再次授权,调用wx.getLocation2的API that.getLocation2(); } else { wx.showToast({ title: '授权失败', icon: 'none', duration: 1000 }) } } }) } } }) } else if (res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == undefined) { //调用wx.getLocation2的API that.getLocation2(); } else { //调用wx.getLocation2的API that.getLocation2(); } } }) } // 获取定位当前位置的经纬度 function getLocation2() { let that = this; wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { let latitude = res.latitude let longitude = res.longitude // = res.latitude;// // app.globalData.lng = res.longitude;//把onload定位时候的经纬度存到全局 console.log(res); that.getLocal(latitude, longitude) }, fail: function (res) { console.log('fail' + JSON.stringify(res)) } }) } // 获取当前地理位置 function getLocal (latitude, longitude) { let that = this; qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: app.globalData.mapKey //这里自己的key秘钥进行填充 }); qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }, success: function (res) { console.log(res); // let province = res.result.ad_info.province // let city = // let district = res.result.ad_info.district; // // 保存一下当前定位的位置留着后面重新定位的时候搜索附近地址用 // app.globalData.currentLocation = district; app.globalData.currentLocationName= res.result.address; // that.setData({ // province: province, // city: city, // latitude: latitude, // longitude: longitude, // district: district // }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res); }, complete: function (res) { // console.log(res); } }); } module.exports = { getCity:getCity, getLocation:getLocation, getUserLocation:getUserLocation, getLocation2:getLocation2, getLocal:getLocal }